
 Visitor Q & A

Feel free to check out common questions for visitors, as well as upcoming events at OSLC! Please let us know how we may be able to minister to you or your family.

question bubbles

When are services held?

Services are held at 8:00 am and 10:45 each Sunday. Online worship is available during our late service streaming live on Facebook and YouTube

What about my kids?

A staffed nursery is provided during all services, choir and bell rehearsals. We use the Godly Play curriculum and invite our youth to wonder about the word. Young children are always welcome in worship, and after the children’s sermon children ages preschool through second grade are given the opportunity to go to Kingdom Time to enjoy fellowship and learn about God’s love in their terms. They return to service before communion.

What do I wear?

We do not have a dress code but we do believe God desires for us all to dress modestly. Therefore, we ask that dress attire be in good taste, respectful to others, and pleasing to the Lord. We welcome anyone from shorts to suits.

Where do I park?

We have parking all along the front of our building as well as a covered drive on the side for drop off. There is a special place for you reserved on the front row!

What is service like?

We are a traditional church for today’s world, where all are welcome. Our music ranges from classic hymns to popular praise and worship songs. We employ video screens and embrace the technology of today while preserving many of the time honored elements of traditional worship. Come feel the presence of the Lord and be renewed in Christ.

 A Place for You

Our Saviour’s is committed to being a welcoming church to all people. We look to know Christ, and make Christ known. To that end we plan to expand our current facility to add on a dedicated Sanctuary.